April 6-9, 2013: 15th Annual Philadelphia Hand Surgery Symposium, Philadelphia, PA. Invited Professor.
All S-: Injuries Are Not the Same: Dynamic versus Static
Panel: What You Thought You Saw: Practical MRI
Panel: The Fight for the Atlantic: Olympics Panel on Distal Radius Fractures
Dart Throwers Motion: Biomechanics and Clinical Revelance
The Spectrum, Pathomechanics, and Treatment of Scapholunate Dissociation
January 19, 2005 The Lawrence Schneider Lecture, Philadelphia Hand Society
Wrist Instability: New concepts of carpal motion, rehabilitation, and evolution.
June 19, 2002: The 4th Lawrence H. Schneider Lectureship, Phila. Hand SocietyNew Directions in the Management of Adult Brachial Plexus Injuries